Music Photography

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Yeule was absolutely amazing the night of July 28th. Her performance was absolutely mesmerizing. The crowd showed so much support and love that she couldn’t help but shed a tear on stage. It was quite heartwarming. The song that started her set was “Pixel Affection”. Just the opening chord caused the crowd to cheer. I […]

On the rainy night of June 7th, Maia (mxmtoon) and Chloe Moriondo kick off the start of pride month with a bang. Their fun and lighthearted vibes really brought the crowd together. Where else but a mxmtoon show would a crowd yell out that they’re depressed. It’s pretty amazing seeing the lgbtq+ community be together and express such […]

I would like to start off by saying, “wow.” The audience at Webster Hall did not miss whatsoever. Before Palace even took their place on stage, the crowd welcomed the two openers with loud cheers and overwhelming applause.  The first band that performed was Loose Buttons. I have never heard of them before that night, […]