WMSC Talent Show 2023

Written by on April 3, 2023

Written By: Sabrina Hajsok

On Thursday, March 30, 2023, WMSC hosted its third annual talent show. It was quite the turnout! This event contained 15 highly acclaimed acts with various talents including singing, dancing, magic, and more. At the end of the night, the audience filled out a Google Form to vote for their favorite act. The contestant who won the most votes was none other than rap artist, JT Bethea, who shared “As flattering as it was to be this year’s talent show winner, I never go into these things expecting to or even thinking about winning anything. Everyone made me smile the entire night with their talent and I was just happy to return the favor.” JT performed several original songs and even prepared a video to play behind him while he rapped on the stage.

This exciting night wouldn’t have been possible if it weren’t for the hard-working team who made it happen. The event was hosted by Victor D. Muñiz Rosa, a senior Journalism and Digital Media major. Victor states, “Hosting the Talent Show was so much fun. Being able to introduce the talented people here at WMSC was an honor. The feedback I received after the show has been great. Hope to have an experience like this again in the future!”

The event was organized and executed by Office Manager, Aly Erario, and Assistant Office Manager, Sabrina Hajsok, who have been leading the station’s events, fundraisers, and newsletters since the summer. Sabrina initiated the first-ever WMSC Talent Show in 2021 when the station was still fully virtual. However, this year was the second time the station was able to do it in person. Sabrina and Aly want to give a huge shoutout to the Office Team members and Engineering Team who helped make this event possible. As well as Anabella Poland for always helping their goals turn into a reality. The WMSC Talent Show is a tradition that will continue!




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