WMSC alum search for life-saving kidney donor

Written by on January 29, 2024

HELP US SPREAD THE WORD: Peter Feinstein Montclair State University WMSC Class 1983 based in Phoenix, Arizona is looking for a living kidney donor. Peter is deep into stage 4 chronic kidney disease and needs a donating kidney to survive. If you think you, or someone you know, can be a living donor for Peter, please call the Banner Transplant Institute directly at 602-521-5900, and tell them that you would like to explore becoming a live donor for Peter Feinstein. Calling for information and education does not obligate you in any way. Testing is confidential. Here is their website for more information: www.bannerhealth.com/services/transplant. You can find more information about kidney donation in general at www.kidney.org/livingdonation or nkfcares@kidney.org.



A message from Peter’s wife, Joanne Feinstein:

Peter and I want to take a moment to say how grateful we are for all our friends and family. We understand this message might catch you by surprise. Please don’t feel we didn’t want to reach out and tell each one of you individually. As you read the following message, we hope you understand our desire for privacy.

Some of you may already know that my husband, Peter, has stage 4 kidney disease. He has only two treatment options: (1) dialysis, which we are hoping he will be able to do at home (not a long term solution) or (2) a kidney transplant. A transplant would offer him the freedom and the ability to live a longer, healthier, more normal life.

Finding a kidney for a transplant is not easy and time is not on Peter’s side. The average wait time is 5 years or more for a kidney from a deceased donor. However, receiving a kidney from a living donor reduces his wait time and typically lasts longer and has better function than a kidney from a deceased donor. It is so difficult for me to ask anyone to consider this, but a living donor greatly improves Peter’s chances of getting a transplant.

You might not know a lot about living donation – I know I didn’t before kidney disease affected Peter’s life. Here’s some basic information about kidney donation:

  • You only need one kidney to live a long, healthy life.
  • Most donor surgery is done laparoscopically, meaning through tiny incisions, and is minimally invasive.
  • The recuperation period is usually fairly quick, generally 2-4 weeks.
  • The cost of your evaluation and surgery will be covered by Peter’s insurance. The transplant center hospital can give you extensive information on this.
  • There are potential grants to assist with donor travel and lodging expenses for eligible patients. Peter and I are also willing to discuss assisting with expenses.
  • You will have a separate team of healthcare professionals to evaluate you as a living donor. Their job is to help you understand the risks and benefits and look out for YOUR best interests.

If you think you, or someone you know, can be a living donor for Peter, please call the Banner Transplant Institute directly at 602-521-5900, and tell them that you would like to explore becoming a live donor for Peter Feinstein. Calling for information and education does not obligate you in any way. Testing is confidential. Here is their website for more information: www.bannerhealth.com/services/transplant. You can find more information about kidney donation in general at www.kidney.org/livingdonation or nkfcares@kidney.org

Thank you all for taking the time to read this. I know it is a huge request, and living donation may not be right for everyone. You can still help by sharing this story with everyone you know, and sharing this on Facebook, Twitter and other social media.

Peter is my heart and soul and one of the nicest, kindest, most loving and caring human beings there is. For him, please consider being a living donor, or encourage someone you know to be one.

With heartfelt gratitude hope and faith,

Joanne Feinstein


Be a Living Organ Donor Hero

Call the Banner Transplant Institute directly at

602-521-5900, and tell them that you would like to explore becoming a live donor for Peter Feinstein.

For more information, visit www.bannerhealth.com/services/transplant

You can find more information about kidney donation in general at www.kidney.org/livingdonation or nkfcares@kidney.org

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