Movements Delivers Unforgettable Performance at Brooklyn Paramount 3/14/25

Written by on March 21, 2025

Photographs and Review by Amber Bintliff

Movements made their way to Brooklyn Paramount on their Spring 2025 Tour on March 14th, bringing along Citizen, Scowl, and Downward for the ride. The post-hardcore act formed 10 years ago in Orange County, California and have been on a continuous rise in the scene ever since they stepped foot in it. 



Downward, Scowl, and Citizen were amazing choices for opening acts. The way Miranda talked about them on stage, saying that every night on tour is so fun for them because they get to see a set from bands they are fans of, was so sincerely sweet. All three acts got the crowd excited and energized before Movements was set to hit the stage.



I’ll admit–before this night, I did not realize how rowdy a Movements crowd could be! As someone who’s been following the band for a few years, I’ve always heard about how phenomenal their live shows are. However, it was even more intense than I could have ever imagined (in a good way!). Every second there were crowdsurfers in the air and a new mosh pit being opened up. There was so much raw emotion filling up the room from both the band’s performance and the way the fans were soaking it up. I didn’t think it was possible to vocally sound better live than in your studio recordings, but Miranda proved me very wrong.



The setlist served fans both new and old with a nice mix of songs from all three of their albums, RUCKUS!, No Good Left To Give, and Feel Something. Additionally, they also played their latest single “Where I Lay,” in which Movements challenged the crowd to sing it louder than the night before (and we did!) 


Despite the amount of fun I was having, I was actually anticipating the end of the night more than anything. “Deep Red” and “Daylily” are two Movements songs that I have been dying to hear live–and they happened to be the final pair of the evening. Getting to stand in that chaotically amazing crowd and scream the words at the top of my lungs is now a moment forever engraved into my brain. “Daylily” is arguably the band’s most popular track for a reason. The vulnerability of this song is even more apparent in its live version and I was left speechless by the end of it.



Movements gave Brooklyn Paramount their all and delivered an unforgettable show. This night was living proof of their dedication to the community they have built around their music. I’m excited to see them again in the future after they take some time to work on writing and recording their next record!