Occult Classic – Final Girls Album Review

Written by on October 3, 2023

Album Review by Ava DiStaso

Final Girls is a North Jersey hardcore/death metal band formed in 2020 by bassist Sofia Albanese. After recently obtaining new members and gaining notoriety in the local band scene, they released their first album: Occult Classic.

Occult Classic follows the release of the single “Population Control” in 2022, which they included in this latest project.

“Population Control” starts the album off strong with a familiar favorite for those who have been following the band. The transition between Bryanna Mendez’s normal singing voice and screaming is seamless. The tempo change at the end brings a good burst of energy to finish the song.

This leads well into “Guillotine,” which is fast paced and slightly insane right out the gate. The skill of drummer Sofia DeMasi is really highlighted on this track with her control on the bass drum and her ability to switch gears quickly and cleanly doesn’t go unnoticed. The strong bassline, performed by Sofia Albanese, then drives the song to a strong finish.

Speaking of bass, up next in the album is “Kill Him Now,” which has an incredible, fast-paced bassline. The pounding of DeMasi’s double bass drumming and the “rocking” feeling of the song make it an excellent candidate for head-banging. This song also has a wailing guitar solo, performed by Zakk Mild, that is absolutely killer. In my personal opinion, this is the best track on the album, showcasing the talent of each member of Final Girls.

Second to last is “Vendetta,” a song packed with power and perfect for a “mad-at-your-ex” playlist. “Vendetta” transitions cleanly into “Just Give In,” which brings the album to a violent and bloody end. DeMasi creates a lot of tension with her drumming and gives the feeling that the band is about to explode, and explode they do. This song sounds like all out warfare in the studio and has my personal favorite bass riff. The vocals at the ending remind the listener of Bryanna Mendez’s incredible cross-genre range.

Occult Classic is an impressive debut album for Final Girls. It is a testament to the talent of the individual members of the band but also showcases how well they mesh these skills to create something full of energy and drive.