Album Review – Rex Orange County

Written by on October 18, 2024

Written by Andy Cook

Published on October 18, 2024

“The Alexander Technique” is a method of improving movement and posture by increasing awareness of how one moves their body. Through guidance, one changes negative habits by recognizing them as they occur. It has been proven to lower stress and pain, enhance well-being, and arguably most important, improve posture. 

“I’ve had back pain for most of my life / And the most I ever did was see the Doc / And the Doc told me that my back was alright” is the first thing you hear Alexander O’Connor, known to the world as Rex Orange County say in his new record entitled “The Alexander Technique”.

It is an emotional rollercoaster delving into themes of adjusting to new situations.

“Alexander,” the opening track is a five-minute long track about acceptance regarding mental health. Its basic piano melody adds a personal feel to the song as if you were in the room with him performing it. “Guitar Song” is an introspective track about changing as you age, with powerful lyrics and a beautiful performance. “2008” feels like a sister song to Guitar Song, though this is written about a specific time in Alex’s life.

There are lyrics from the song “Therapy” which is a song about being your true self with the therapist with the hope of being your true self with everybody. “The therapist knows who I really am / They know me just as well as someone can / There’s nothing in the world they’re expecting of me / I’m just here to speak.” 

“4 In The Morning” is an INCREDIBLY relatable track regarding overthinking. All overthinkers will feel like this song is written for them. “Jealousy” slows down on production as it’s Alex singing over a beautiful orchestral composition singing about take a guess… Jealousy! “The Table” is about deep observations regarding a table and its origins. “Much more than just a table / The people I won’t get to meet / At least I got more out of it / Than just somewhere to sit and eat.”

“I was in my prime / But what does it really mean to be in your prime / When you’re changing all the time?” is from the song “Carrera.” Carrera is a deep, powerful track about personal strife that he went through in the summer of 2022, and how the resolution of the situation gave him a newfound sense of freedom personally and creatively. 

“Look Me in the Eyes” featuring James Blake is a gorgeous ballad about being broken up with. What separates this song from the rest is its different view of the future. Instead of looking for healing, Alex has already healed. No more soreness from past lovers or personal issues, only acceptance of the inevitable. “New Years” is a fantastic, well-written song that contradicts “Look Me in the Eyes.” It’s about a full year and how he feels excited when it starts, but disappointed when it ends. How can he accept the future if he’s not willing to change? “You start the whole thing over / And we try a little harder next year.”

THE ALEXANDER TECHNIQUE is a new introspective look at Rex Orange County. As he gets older new issues arise and this album is about adjusting to the new unexpected situations. Overall, the message of the record is that if he can do it, you can too. “And if you’re sick of goin’ through Hell / Just know that I’ve been right there as well / It always go away after time passes by / So stick around and try.”


SCORE: 8.5 / 10