Fleetwood Mac Classic Album Review

Written by on November 18, 2018

Rumors (1977) by Fleetwood Mac

Reviewed by Sam Givone

Arguably Fleetwood Mac’s best album, Rumors, was released February 4th, 1977. The lyrics of the album are known to have been shaped primarily around relationship problems between the band members. Members were Mick Fleetwood, Stevie Nicks, Christine McVie, John McVie, and Lindsey Buckingham. Sprinkle some drugs into the songwriting process and you have yourself a Grammy award winning album for best album of the year 1978. This masterpiece is still worthy to be talked about today because the lyrics still ring true in 2018. These songs are still played on the radio letting people know they are not alone. Selling over 40 million copies worldwide, Rumors is one of the best-selling albums of all time.

Rumors dabbles with pop rock, soft rock, and even folk sounds. Some of the folkier sounding songs are “Second Hand News” and “I Don’t Want To Know”. The album beautifully displays the harmonies between three vocalists; Stevie Nicks, Christine McVie, and John McVie. Between their vocals and thorough instrumental jams, stories are told through the music. Despite the problems of the inner workings of the band they were able to give birth to a fantastically successful album. I think if you watch closely in videos of their live performances from the late 70’s you can almost feel the tension between them. But hey, that could just be a rumor…

Rating: 4/5 Stars

Highlights: “You Make Loving Fun”, “The Chain” and “Dreams”  

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